I’m sure we’re all aware that there’s been quite a substantial lobby, especially in the US, over the last few months for governments in responding to the global financial ‘crisis’ to adopt restorative strategies that also have a positive impact on the environment. A good summary of the issues/proposals can be found in a paper by the US Conference of Mayors: http://www.usmayors.org/pressreleases/uploads/GreenJobsReport.pdf. There is also a shorter press release here: http://www.usmayors.org/pressreleases/uploads/greenjobspressrelease.pdf
In a nutshell, the proposal is that governments need to encourage industry to ‘boost the economy, by creating jobs, that will regenerate the environment’. It’s a simple idea, but it is not so easy to say how it can be made to work.
In a couple of weeks, I shall be acting as rapporteur for a Conference in Europe on this theme. The delegates will be asked to generate ideas for ACTIONS that companies and leaders can take – in other words, PRACTICAL ways to Green the Economy. These ideas will be collated and somehow published. The exact format of the publication will depend on the quality of the responses and the volume. The participants will be a broad range from ‘celebrity’ politicians and lobbyists, through legislators, to regular kinds of business folks.
I thought I’d throw open an invitation to us all to put OUR thinking caps on and see if we can also generate ideas on the same theme. If you would like to post UPTO 250 words and give your name, organisation, and email address (for confirmation purposes – these will not be published), I will do my best to incorporate your ideas into the publication and they will be credited. If nothing else it’s a useful exercise in thinking, it could be a simple bit of good PR. The obvious proviso has to be made that “the editor’s decision to use comments is final. We may edit with care to fit the format and style of the publication.” Obviously good ideas will get included, blatant self-promotion won’t.
You’re welcome to send ideas direct to me, but personally I think it would be good to post them here as comments to stimulate the thinking of others. Obviously, I will keep you informed of the progress on the publication.