RSA Watch Oxford – Changing Society (30 October 2017)

Every quarter, I host an evening of screenings of recent talks given to the Royal Society for the Arts (RSA). The evening consists of a series of screenings and discussion around the themes, supported by free wine and nibbles! We call this ‘social watching’.

Known as “RSA Watch Oxford”, the next of these is on Monday 30th October 2017 from 18:30 to 21:00 at City of Oxford College, Oxford and is on the theme of Social Change. You don’t need to be a Fellow to attend, just someone interested in the theme and in open conversation around it.

the plan is that we shall show video clips of presentations at RSA House from the following speakers:

  • Steven Sloman – The Knowledge Illusion
  • Hugo Mercier – The Function of Reason
  • Jonathan Haidt – Why we are convinced we’re right
  • Catherine Mackinnon – Butterfly Effect
  • Alberto Alemanno – Making Social Change Happen
  • Vanessa van Edwards – Captivate
  • Matthew d’Ancona – Post-Truth
  • Dexter Dias – Why humans hurt each other
  • Duncan Green – How change happens

For those who are new to the concept of RSA Watch Oxford, we gather at 6:30pm, fill our glasses, settle down, and watch a number of short extracts of talks given at the RSA to a live audience. We break mid-way, replenish, perhaps have a conversation related to the films seen so far, and then when the time is right, we watch a further selection. The discussion is then continued, drawing out themes that the group identify. We will finish at around 9:00pm.

Finally, the facilitator will summarise these and an output – a blog post – is produced to record our conversations. This is shared with the wider RSA Fellowship.

As I said, the session is free, but you do need to book a place in advance. You can do so here:

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