Either select themes from the sub-menu above or from the chronological list below.
- On the plus side of less efficiency
- Why are English anaesthetists anonymous?
- Decolonisation or Decolonialisation?
- One Size Doesn’t Fit All: The Limitations of Professional Bodies in Coaching
- Why do some men adopt a grandiose, bombastic, persona?
- Contrasting Socratic Questioning with Systemic Questioning
- The role of Systemic Questioning in Coaching
- The role of Socratic Questioning in Coaching
- Book Review – Oliver Burkeman’s “Four Thousand Weeks”
- Finding your purpose in life
- How do you mend a broken heart?
- Paper Candidates and Fake Democracies
- The breakdown of the NHS
- When one corporate policy is at odds with another… and where it is also bad for the planet!
- Where empowerment and micromanagement clash
- How local groups are organised (pt1)
- The trouble with Fish!
- Congruence
- Congruence
- The philosophy of Person-Centred (Humanistic) Psychotherapy
- Power dynamics in coaching, counselling, supervision, management, and teaching…
- What’s the difference between counselling and psychotherapy?
- Gender Expansive Pronouns
- Eclectic, Integrative, and Pluralistic approaches to psychotherapy…
- The difference between supervising internal coaches compared to external ones
- Oh, dear… “What is your modality?”
- The impact of supervision on workplace coaches
- The sound of silence…
- Academic impact… hmmm…
- Turning adversity into opportunity
- The leaders’ challenge: coping with the CV-19 crisis
- Coping with the negative overload (IoD Global – CV19 #6)
- Finding the inner resources for creative, strategic thinking (IoD Global – CV19 #5)
- The end of the world as we know it (and other catastrophic thoughts) (IoD Global – CV19 #4)
- Around the World in Eight Days – (Day 8: London)
- Around the World in Eight Days – (Day 7: New York)
- Around the World in Eight Days – (Day 6: San Francisco)
- Coaching during a recession…
- Around the World in Eight Days – (Day 5: Yokohama)
- Around the World in Eight Days – (Day 4: Hong Kong)
- Around the World in Eight Days – (Day 3: Kolkata)
- Around the World in Eight Days – (Day 2: Mumbai)
- Around the World in Eight Days – (Day 1: Suez)
- War Councils (IOD GLOBAL – CV19 #3)
- At times like this; invest in trust (IOD GLOBAL – CV19 #2)
- Leading in unprecedented times (IoD Global – CV19 #1)
- Coronavirus, Gig Economy, Further Education and Hourly Paid Lecturing
- The IoD Global Convention Singapore 2020
- The EIGHT stages of the Employee Life-Cycle
- New course: Introduction to Reflective Practice and Journaling (Oxford, Jan 2020)
- “Keeping staff in the dark about pay feeds perception of unfairness, new research from the CIPD finds…”
- In the pursuit of productivity…
- Collaboration
- “Introduction to Reflective Practice and Journaling” – Oxford University – Jan/Apr 2020
- “Advanced Coaching” course – Oxford University – Apr/Jul 2020
- “Introduction to Coaching Supervision” course – Oxford University – Jan/Apr 2020
- “Group Coaching” course – Oxford University – Feb/Mar 2020
- “Introduction to Coaching” course – Oxford University – Oct to Dec 2019
- University of Oxford Continuing Education 2019/2020 programme is released!
- Socratic Questioning and the nature of coaching (pt2)
- Socratic Questioning and the nature of coaching (pt1)
- What is this thing called “Critical Analysis”?
- Pay It Forward – How job hunters can make a difference
- The 15 commonest mistakes in CVs
- Job hunting – the single most effective thing to do
- “I’ve been out of work for so long – I’ve just not been that lucky”
- Oxford University – Introduction to Coaching Supervision – Spring 2019
- Masters’ Level (CIPD L7) Human Resources Management Qualification – Sept 2018
- What is it that makes you different?
- Oxford University – Group Coaching Course 2019
- Oxford University – Introduction to Coaching – Autumn 2018 (FULLY BOOKED)
- University of Oxford – Advanced Coaching Course – Summer 2019 *** NOW FULLY BOOKED!
- Spare a penny for the…
- Clones aren’t always the same
- Monday 5th March 2018 – The 120th Informal Drink in Oxford – OUR TENTH ANNIVERSARY!
- Monday 5th February 2018 – The 119th Informal Drink in Oxford
- Monday 8th January 2018 – The 118th Informal Drink in Oxford
- Are your bum and balls up for some Continuing Professional Development (CPD)?
- A few questions about ‘customer delight’
- How important is quality today?
- RSA Watch Oxford – Changing Society (30 October 2017)
- When “professionals” don’t think twice, and snake oil sales go unchecked…
- Monday 6th November 2017 – The 116th Informal Drink in Oxford
- Monday 2nd October 2017 – The 115th Informal Drink in Oxford
- Monday 4th September 2017 – The 114th Informal Drink in Oxford
- Masters’ Level (CIPD L7) Human Resources Management qualification – Sept 2017
- University of Oxford – Advanced Coaching Course – Summer 2018
- Oxford University – Group Coaching Course 2018
- Oxford University – Introduction to Coaching courses 2017
- RSA Watch Oxford – The Built Environment and the Future (10 July 2017)
- Education and social inequality
- RSA Watch Oxford: Free screening – 4 talks on Inequality and Social Mobility
- An unprecedented product recommendation – does your laptop get a bit hot?
- University of Oxford – Advanced Coaching Course – Summer 2017
- If you insist on launching a survey…
- Climate and Leadership Film Screening – Update
- Climate and Leadership Film Screening – Oxford – 23rd January
- Finding better ‘quality’ information on the internet
- Oxford University – Group Coaching Course 2017
- Am I ever going to write any more books?
- Changing the course of two centuries of carbon-intense development (COP22)
- What are these climate conferences all about? COP22 – Podcast
- Climate mitigation, adaptation, and resilience
- What swimming coaching can tell you about… well, life actually!
- Creativity Film Screening and Discussion – Oxford 24/10/16
- Oxford University – Introduction to Coaching courses 2016
- Laying people off? What would their relatives’ impact statements be like?
- Does name dropping really impress or turn people off?
- The challenge of helping people to help themselves
- Possibly the foremost CPD event in the Climate profession’s calendar…
- Masters’ Level Leadership Course in Oxford – 18-20 April 2016
- Positive psychology
- Introducing an after-dinner speaker
- University of Oxford – Advanced Coaching Course – Autumn 2015
- The most motivated businesses are employee-owned – and we told you that 20yrs ago
- The role of LinkedIn in building your network
- Thirty more things to bring to coaching
- Thirty themes for coaching
- BOOK REVIEW- The Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of the Psychology of Coaching and Mentoring
- Corporate Culture – A literature review (for the ACCA-ESRC)
- The Oxford Launch – November 2014
- New enterprise – preparing the next generation of entrepreneurs – a challenge in leadership development
- BOOK REVIEW: The Leadership Coach (Teach Yourself)
- How long do you need to hold an audience’s attention?
- Idea identification and development – entrepreneurship & accelerated start-ups
- Entrepreneurship and accelerated start-ups – Introduction
- Reputation management, social media, food poisoning and Sy Oliver
- Is the ‘integrationist’ model for coaching a little lop-sided?
- There’s lies, damned lies and statistics…
- Never has spelling been more important
- When selection methods are a waste of time…
- Reflective practice and journaling
- Why is research so important?
- Develop your inner states-person – a guide to journaling
- When you REALLY want the people you work with to read something…
- Help for those returning to work…
- When old business tries to embrace the new
- Never start marketing messages with trite pleasantries
- Should coaching focus firstly on beliefs or behaviour?
- The origin of the term “integrative” in a psychotherapeutic (and by extrapolation, coaching) context
- Russell Brand on being heckled
- Instead of grand dreams, what about your 2014 New Year’s resolutions being a form of succession plan?
- Raising your head above the parapet
- When bullying is just a part of the tool-kit of senior executives
- Book Review: “Coaching Understood – A pragmatic inquiry into the coaching process” by Elaine Cox
- Developing Charisma
- “Management control systems” – catch ’em wrong or catch ’em right?
- How not to follow up
- Is there such a thing as a false anticipation?
- Towards a definition of coaching
- Shoot the marketing assistant (2)…
- Shoot the marketing assistant…
- Is what you are saying about yourself impressing others or merely delusional?
- What does science have to offer coaching?
- RESEARCH NEWS: Does coaching improve performance?
- It ain’t what you do – it’s the way that you say it…
- RESEARCH NEWS: The relationship between emotional and social intelligence and leadership effectiveness
- What is your coaching philosophy?
- Nine out of ten people don’t follow-up
- Learning something new or going through hoops – and for whose benefit?
- The greatest wisdom is seeing through appearances
- Human Capital Management – automating the abuse of your most valuable asset
- With the id and super-ego fighting it out, should Prince Albert have played down his recent acquisition?
- Is Paul Gascoigne well advised to go public?
- Global access to your emails
- Banking Reform vs Banking Revolution
- A slightly different perspective on ‘resolutions’
- Planning for the New Year – planning to accomplish something – FREE annual planner
- Improving your impact at a conference or speaker event
- It’s all a question of attitude – a tribute to Zig Ziglar
- The history of the Elevator Speech
- Elevator pitches – engaging others in social talk
- The leadership consequences of the changing relationship between organisations, their employees and their customers
- Sustainability research funding – Is this just a case of Government lip-service?
- What informs your leadership attitudes?
- Leadership – a question of nature or nurture?
- The New Leadership Challenge
- The democratization of institutions
- Observing human behaviour – when we choose to intervene and when we don’t
- A few words about cookies and your responsibility for them
- What’s in a personal value and what are mine?
- It ain’t what you do; it’s the way that you reflect on it
- How to keep in touch with your network
- Dabbling with the minds of leaders and society
- What exactly is an entrepreneur?
- The art of Organisation Development (OD)
- Was Marshall Field really all that wrong?
- Business Book of the Week – Understanding the Small Business Sector – Storey
- How crowd accelerated innovation is transforming the nature of entrepreneurship
- Whatever happened to quiet time? “Because I love the new you.”
- Calling a halt to mindless change – 13 years on, have we learnt the lesson yet?
- Cultivating ‘gravitas’ – What is spirituality?
- How do you facilitate?
- Would you choose a coach for their ‘credentials’ or their personality?
- Calling all INTJ, Sagittarian, IMA High RED, amber memes – it’s time to get REAL (Relevant, Evidenced, Accurate and Logical)
- If this WAS your last day, what WOULD you do?
- Psychotherapeutic treatment can cure Cyclothymic Disorder
- Scapegoating and social media networks
- Feel better – create a scapegoat
- Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) – What are WE going to do?
- Just how common are mental health problems?
- Zeta-Jones, bipolar, and other high-performance ‘disorders’
- Zeta-Jones is one of many creatives to be diagnosed with bipolar disorder, but what is it?
- “Why a lack of empathy is the root of all evil”
- Business Book of the Week : The Net Delusion by Evgeny Morozov
- Digital utopianism and the allure of the internet
- The Personal Branding Phenomenon – distinguish yourself
- The Beauty of Diagrams – The Vitruvian Man – Art, Architecture, Anatomy combined mathematically
- Business Book of the Week : The Khan Academy ‘flips’ education (12/03/2011)
- After greed, is the relentless pursuit of efficiency as damaging?
- What exactly is a ‘rapporteur’?
- Business Book of the Week – Kanzi – The ape at the brink of the Human mind
- People who are lonely at work are often also lonely outside
- The much maligned ‘ego’ – common qualities of arrogant executives, religious zealots and suicidal terrorists
- Business Book of the Week – Fried challenges the myths in Rework
- Business Book of the Week – Christakis – Connected = The science of social media networks
- Ten ways for senior executives to get ahead by managing themselves
- Business Book of the Week – Zimbardo on the nature of Evil
- CIPD reports: 2 out of 5 public sector organisations undergoing redundancies
- The future of HR – what really needs to change is the approach of some of its leaders
- Business Book of the Week – Robinson – The element – How finding your passion changes everything
- Acquiring gravitas (sometimes called charisma)
- Call it gravitas or charisma – it’s the quality that distinguishes statesmen from politicians
- Likeability and trustworthiness are key to board appointments
- Business Book of the Week – Watson – Future Minds – How The Digital Age is Changing Our Minds
- Business Book of the Week – Drive – The surprising truth about what motivates us by Daniel Pink
- BBOTW – Mind Maps for Business by Tony Buzan
- Unaccustomed, as I am, to effusive praise…
- Business Book of the Week – Them and Us – why we need a fair society by Will Hutton
- BBOTW – The way we’re working isn’t working (Schwartz)
- BBOTW – “Linked – How Everything is Connected to Everything Else and What it Means for Business and Everyday Life” by Albert-Laszlo Barabasi
- When what you say has the opposite effect
- BBOTW – What got you here won’t get you there (Marshall Goldsmith)
- BBOTW – “Screw Work, Let’s Play” by John Williams
- Social Media – How to get the most from it
- BBOTW – “59 Seconds” by Richard Wiseman
- Psychodynamic confidants in fiction – Deanna Troi – Star Trek
- BBOTW – “What the dog saw” by Malcolm Gladwell
- Leadership and Personal Development Agreement
- An appreciation of one of those people who touched my life without knowing, and led me to work as a psychodynamic ‘confidant’
- How psychotherapeutic confidants enhance Boardroom decisions
- Why Greenpeace took action today?
- Every once in a while, you read something SO profound…
- How childhood experiences can undermine executive performance – how one boy fell victim to his mother
- When someone loses balance, work quality and impact suffers
- Juggling family expectations and personal passion in an executive career
- Using an empty chair to turn negatives into positives
- The difference between ‘targets’ and ‘outcomes’
- When organisations have their own life
- How projection undermines even polished performers
- How projection undermines even polished performers
- Reaching inside an executive’s hard shell
- Teams, groups, executives, and the psychodynamics of unconscious urges
- What will YOUR wake up call be?
- A very quick introduction to Psychodynamics
- The Dalai Lama explains why social media work so well
- Dalai Lama offers social media users advice on avoiding conflict
- Interpreting SOHO business names
- The myth of the SoHo entrepreneurial boom
- What is the ‘point’ of personal development?
- Papal visit outrage – it ain’t what you do, it’s the way people react to it
- Is this social media thing just a psychological defence mechanism?
- Corporate Alumni Networks – savvy employers nurture their leavers
- Social Intelligence – why some people love parties and others hate them
- The use and abuse of power at work – Association (4/21)
- The use and abuse of power at work – Position (3/21)
- The use and abuse of power at work – Control (2/21)
- The use and abuse of power at work – Introduction (1/21)
- When the experts begin to love themselves – Oliver James
- What DOES ‘banter’ in social media say about you?
- Differentiate yourself through emotional literacy
- A further nail in the coffin of the Royal Mail?
- Would you help me with an ebook? Collaborative project. NO CATCH!
- An apocalyptic view of leadership (v2)
- Have you tested your own Customer Care experience?
- The risks and responsibilities of personal development
- Writing (and speaking) made easy – Part 3 – The Sales Model
- Writing (and speaking) made easy – Part 2 – Writing and Public Speaking are both creative forms of selling
- Writing (and speaking) made easy – Part 1 – The Pervasive Nature of Selling
- Governance, fraud and the leader’s confidante
- Governance, fraud and management of emotion in decision making
- The interesting case of an OVER performing team
- Bank holidays, portfolio careers and winter cold cures
- Bank holidays, portfolio careers and winter cold cures
- How PowerPoint contributed to the Columbia re-entry disaster
- Speed networking – not all it is cracked up to be
- How to turn down a job offer
- Business preparedness for swine flu – oh, come on!
- Climate mitigation – McDonalds takes a lead
- The role of a psychotherapist’s supervisor
- Writing to build your counselling/psychotherapy practice
- Making heroes out of leaders
- Why climate security affects us all
- What does climate security mean to ‘real’ people?
- When leaders fear to lead
- A few more thoughts on networking…
- Corporate Alumni Networks – managing your reputation and protecting your future in recessionary times
- Politicians urged to use the economic crisis to fight climate change and eliminate poverty
- Greening the economy
- An environmentally more friendly alternative to Google
- Greening the economy
- Free Year Planner for 2009
- Resolutions, goals, happiness and engagement
- When is a model more than just a pretty face?
- The Myth of Positive Stress
- Developing Social Intelligence
- Emotional Literacy
- Why Social Intelligence is more important than simply EQ
- What makes us happy?
- Fertilising trees to combat climate change
- When dynamics spiral out of control
- Quaker business practices prove to be more profitable
- Midlife crises, chasing God, and other existential issues
- What do our priorities say about us?
- Say it with flowers. The emerging science of symbols and why it is important to business and leadership
- Conscientiousness is the secret to a long life
- Leadership and resilience – a genetic heritage?
- Avert your eyes, something big is about to happen
- It ain’t what you do, nor is it necessarily how you do it…
- Create a new window into your organisation
- The Brain Machine interface
- Insights on business from American Express
- Balfour Beatty, serious fraud and a culture of deception
- Leaders, Governance and the Chaplain
- Customer Contempt 3 : BT Broadband (British Telecom)
- Incentive and Reward – why organisation-wide schemes often fail
- The ethics of false or grandiose claims in advertising…
- Corporate Prosperity and Posterity (surprising new lists)
- Priorities for business initiatives in 2008
- Keeping to your resolutions
- The role of the Chaplain at a Marriott Hotel
- Hillary Clinton urged to model herself on Margaret Thatcher
- Investment Analysts need Emotional Intelligence (EQ)
- Emotional Intelligence (EQ) – is it a teenage thing?
- Mayor’s Office receives accolades for Six Sigma efforts
- Ken Livingstone appoints Director of Six Sigma
- Preaching the Human Sigma Gospel
- Executive Coaching is a maturing market
- It’s all in the name, but which one?
- Is emotional intelligence an infantile approach to life?
- Do company-wide development programmes work?
- What makes an ethical leader?
- Make Sense of Unstructured Data
- Do some professions demand a portfolio career?
- Damning criticism of Six Sigma by US Quality Professional
- USAF saves nearly 50000 walking miles, 16000 man-hours and $8M
- Some Six Sigma videos on YouTube
- Leading the Lean Enterprise
- When people ask me if Leadership Development works…
- Sometimes a few gray hairs work…
- In a downturn, what do Executive Coaches do?
- Do coaches pick up the ball missed by managers?
- Youth and Leadership Development
- Do sporting analogues work in the world of business?
- Leadership coaching and existential psychology
- Business school includes prayer as a tool for creativity and more
- Does history inform the future?
- On Being Human
- Are you paying for unwanted services?
- Contempt for Customers – 2 Tropicana Pure Premium
- Contempt for Customers – 1 Chiltern Railways
- Profit and loss – more than a simple equation
- Management Insult 4: Talent Management Programmes
- Management Insult 3: Due Diligence
- Management Insults 2: "Pro Bono"
- Management Insult 1 – Intellectual Property
- Spiritual blessings, civil registrations and wedding celebrations
- How you can do a little bit for charity, without spending a penny (more)
- The Royal Mail Online Postage Scam
- Angry young men
- Charity working and volunteers – a Good News story!
- Is something ‘wrong’ with Britain?
- Why are we so obsessed with the bad news?
- The delicate issue of EGO
- Day-to-day ethics
- You only need to be let down once by a guide book
- The "Great Places to Avoid" Guide Book
- Midlife – what crisis? (GW guide)
- Spirit at Work – Ten Frequently Asked Questions
- Ten Tips for Job Hunters (GW guide)
- Why leaders need coaching
- Operational Excellence and Leadership
- On training to be a coach
- Accessing Knowledge and Networks (Book Extract)
- After the New Economy – Doug Henwood (Book Summary)
- The Human Face of Corporate Governance – Lynn McGregor (Book Summary)
- The Personal Branding Phenomenon – Montoya (Book Summary)
- Managing the Professional Firm – David Maister (Book Summary)