Decolonisation or Decolonialisation?

Decolonisation means to reduce the size of a population, whereas decolonialisation means to remove the traces of a colonial power. Why did the world adopt “decolonisation” instead of “decolonialisation” to describe the processes intended to provide redress for slavery and… Continue reading

Why do some men adopt a grandiose, bombastic, persona?

The adoption of a grandiose or bombastic persona in men can be understood through various psychological lenses, particularly those related to self-esteem regulation, personality structure, and social dynamics. Narcissism and Self-Esteem Regulation One explanation is linked to narcissistic personality traits.… Continue reading

When one corporate policy is at odds with another… and where it is also bad for the planet!

Francesca Steyn, writing for HR Review about the provision of fertility support for all employees, makes a very important point that is worth reiterating from the outset… Nobody should be discriminated against – in the workplace as much as anywhere… Continue reading