Coping with the negative overload (IoD Global – CV19 #6)

A survey released today showed that the UK public has very little confidence in the information that it is receiving about the CV-19 crisis. Surprisingly, to some, the Government came out as well as the more reputable media, and the… Continue reading

Finding the inner resources for creative, strategic thinking (IoD Global – CV19 #5)

It is hard to imagine ourselves being creative when we are in what feels like a crisis.  However, the same rules apply here as at any time, and let’s be honest people have come through crises far worse than this… Continue reading

The end of the world as we know it (and other catastrophic thoughts) (IoD Global – CV19 #4)

Anxiety is a natural response to situations that we anticipate in the future, where we believe that we are unable to control things around us, and the possible consequence of that is that we will be hurt. This week, I… Continue reading

Coaching during a recession…

A colleague pointed out that I’d worked through a recession and wondered if I’d got any tips? I don’t like talking about my own work too much, but the backstory might help explain the bullet points… Coaching through recessions… what… Continue reading

At times like this; invest in trust (IOD GLOBAL – CV19 #2)

Let’s consider the world of an organisation forced to change its operations, telling its 250 staff to work from home. The leaders know every employee by name and ought to know a few things about their personal circumstances.  The leaders’ priorities are… Continue reading

New course: Introduction to Reflective Practice and Journaling (Oxford, Jan 2020)

Does your profession expect you to use reflective practice (RP) to maintain the ability to practice? Increasingly professional bodies are seeing that attending workshops and conferences have limited long-term impact without the habit of RP. This is particularly true of… Continue reading