You and I

Two styles of contract

I work with clients in one of two ways, depending on their situation.

For those in less volatile environments, we meet once a month at an agreed fixed fee. We schedule appointments for a minimum of six sessions after the initial session, setting the date and time of the next meeting at the end of the previous one. Sessions usually last 1- 1½ hours. We may exchange occasional emails between meetings, especially to review materials.

For those working in more volatile environments, I work on a quarterly retainer, allowing them to call me 24/7/365 (within reason), when an urgent or complex situation arises. In these cases, we always meet at least once a month, but often schedule additional meetings and telephone sessions too. The usual practice is for them to leave a message, which I undertake to return within six hours, though we can prearrange contact when a particularly significant event is unfolding. The retainer is based on the expectation that I shall spend up to half a day a week working with the client. If this is substantially more then we agree an appropriate rate. From time-to-time a client may ask me to accompany them somewhere – perhaps shadowing them at work or supporting them in meetings – or to work with some of their colleagues on a specific issue. There is no extra charge if this falls within the contracted time other than covering expenses.

Where can we meet?

Some clients prefer to meet in their own offices, which we can do provided that confidentiality and privacy can be assured. Alternatively, I have the use of rooms in Oxford (OX1), the City of London (EC3), and Harley Street (W1), and sometimes meet in quiet surroundings elsewhere. International clients generally use skype. If we meet in private outside their office, then the cost of room hire is also charged.

Making contact

t +44 (0) 7785 222380
s drgrahamwilson